Make everyday life a little easier by meal planning for the week. Meal planning is a great way to buy healthy food and save money at the grocery store. You plan ahead what you are going to make and you only buy what you need when you go to the store. This is also good because you are less likely to have food going bad in your refrigerator.

If you are anything like me, thinking about what to cook each day is a stressful. I am not very creative when it comes to cooking so having the meals planed out for the week is very helpful. It makes the week go by smoother.

It’s not difficult to start meal planning all you need is a notebook to plan your meals for the week. You can also use the free Meal Planning Printable that I created. I will link it at the bottom. Here is how to plan:

  • Plan out your meals the day before you go grocery shopping. For me, I go grocery shopping on Monday so I plan out either Sunday or early Monday morning.
  • Check your refrigerator and pantry to see what you already have that you can use. This is also a great time to clean out your fridge and pantry by throwing out any old food that has expired or gone bad.
  • Keep things simple. I like to keep the weekday meals simple and healthy. For Friday I will sometimes make something more complicated and less healthy.
  • Stick to the grocery list as best as you can in order to save money.

Here is a free meal planner printable that you can use. I hope it is helpful and that you enjoy it.



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