Trusting God In Times Of Uncertainty

As believers we are called to trust God in everything. Many of us have seen God work in our favor when we put our complete trust in him. But we have to admit that it is not always easy to trust in the Lord especially when things get tough. There is so much uncertainty in the world right now. So much hate and divisiveness. Wars are breaking out and the economy is horrible and on top of that we add our own personal problems and our hearts start to become troubled. I know mine does. But it is in these times of uncertainty that we need to trust God the most.

The bible is filled with so many examples of men and women trusting God in the middle of very difficult circumstances.

  • In the book of Exodus Moses trusted God and presented himself to pharaoh, even though pharaoh wanted him dead, and asked him to let the Israelites go to worship God. It was not easy and pharaoh did not want to let them go but God worked in the Israelites favor and eventually he had to let them go.
  • Luke 8: 43-48 tells us of a women who had a flow of blood for twelve years and was not able to find a cure. At the time, the law considered her unclean because of her condition and was not allowed to be around other people. However, she took a huge leap of faith. She decided to go where Jesus was because she knew he had the power to set her free from her illness. All she needed to do was touch the border of his garment. She trusted God and God glorified himself in her and healed her body.
  • In Daniel 3 we find the story of 3 young men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, who defied the orders of the king to bow down before a statue of gold. The order was that anyone who did not bow down to the statue be thrown into a fiery furnace. These 3 young men knew that God was the only God worthy of bowing down to and defied the kings order. They knew the punishment for their defiance but trusted that God would protect them. They were thrown into the furnace that was heated seven times more than it usually was. But these young men trusted God wholeheartedly and God protected them inside that furnace. Even the king ended up worshiping God because he saw what he did in the young men.
Trusting God in Times of Uncertainty

No matter the circumstance that you are facing remember that God is in control. He wants us to put our complete trust in him. Maybe the outcome is not what we want it to be but we have to trust in Gods perfect plan for our lives.

Prayer is so powerful and it connects us directly with God. God wants to hear our concerns and worries. He wants us to go to him when we feel anxious. He is our loving father!

Whatever you are going through I pray that God calms the storm in your heart and give you the peace you need and the strength to keep trusting un Him.

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