God our strong tower
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it, and are safe. Proverbs 18:10

How many times have we heard this bible verse or just skimmed over it when we read our bibles? What does it mean “God is our strong tower”? And are we “righteous”? In order for us to understand the significance and power of this verse we must understand what a literal tower in ancient times was and why it was important. Also we must understand what makes us righteous before God.

Importance of towers in ancient times

In ancient times towers were used by landowners to watch over their fields and by castles as a military defense form. At the highest point of the tower you have the best vantage point of your surroundings. Landowners can see their fields and spot any animals that might threaten to eat their crops. Cities and castles usually had several towers. From the tower watchmen were able to spot an enemy coming near them from far away and prepare themselves to launch an attack. Usually attacks launched from a tower were very hard to repel. It is said that towers were the safest place in a castle because of its height.

How are we righteous?

As humans we have many flaws and there is constantly a battle within us to sin. So how can it be that God sees us as righteous? God sees us as righteous through our faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 3:21-28). Noting we do can ever justify ourselves.

God is that tower for us! When we run to the tower, as flawed as we may be, we are demonstrating faith. If the enemy comes to attack our lives God says that we can run to him, run to that tower, and he promises us safety. His name is above all names and when we call out to God its as if we are running to him. He is our only safe place!

Unfortunately. many times instead of making God our strong tower we let others things take his place. We put our trust in our spouse, family members, friends and even sometimes in our own possessions. Now I’m not saying we shouldn’t trust our spouse or family members and friends but sometimes we put more trust in them than in God.

I find that when I go more to others instead of God, I lose that peace that he promises to give me. That peace that surpasses all understanding. But God is so good that when I run to him he is waiting with arms wide open to take me to that safe place where I can find his peace and security.

I don’t know who or what your strong tower is, but if it is not God I invite you to let him in your heart. But let him in 100%. He promises us peace and security. He promises us protection from depression, anxiety, sin and all negativity thrown at us from the enemy. My life with God as my strong tower is more secure and at peace and I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.

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