for when i am weak then i am strong

It is so beautiful to know that we serve a God that doesn’t expect perfection from us because He is already perfect.

I am reminded of the story of Gideon in Judges 7. God is about to deliver the Midianites into the hands of Israel but there were too many Israelites. God did not want Israel to boast against Him and say that they won through their own strength. So God told Gideon to announce to the army that anyone who was afraid to go back. 22,000 men left and only 10,000 stayed. God said that was still too many and more left. Gideon was left with an army of 300 men and God deliver the Midianites into Israel’s hand. From 32,000 down to 300. Gideon defeated 135,000 Midianites with only 300 men!

What to others could seem like a weak army of just 300 to God that was enough to show his power.

God doesn’t need us to be strong. He wants us to trust that He is strong. He wants us to recognize our weakness and realize that we need Him because without Him we are nothing. When we realize that then that is when we are truly strong in Christ.

2 Corinthians 12: 9,10

This does not mean that we should not strive to be better. It means that where we fall short God is there to help us through.

Next time you feel inadequate, like you are not good enough, like a failure, remember that that is ok. We do not depend on our own strengths, we depend on God. We have limits but God doesn’t. God has made us victorious through Christ because He has already won,

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